Mind and Awareness
Commentary by the Venerable Geshe Doga
Translated by the Venerable Tenzin Dongak
Outline with links to transcripts, discussions, and tests
Tara Institute
3 Mavis Avenue
East Brighton 3187
Commentary by the Venerable Geshe Doga
Objects {1}
Person {2.1}
Awareness {2.2}
Valid cogniser {2.2.1}
Direct valid cogniser {}
Direct sense perception {}
Mental direct perception {}
Self-knowing direct perception {}
Yogic direct perception {}
18 August 2001 (d)
19 August 2001 (t)
Self-knowing valid cogniser {}
Dense direct valid cogniser {}
Mental direct valid cogniser {}
Yogic direct valid cogniser {}
False direct perception {2.2.2}
Conceptual false direct conception {}
Non-conceptual false direct perception {}
Inferential valid cognisers {2.2.3}
Inferential valid cogniser through fact {}
Inferential valid cogniser through renown {}
Inferential valid cogniser through faith {}
Inferential valid cognisers through faith {}
Awarenesses which are non-prime cognisersError! Reference source not found. {3}
Subsequent cognisers {3.1}
Non-conceptual subsequent cogniser {3.1.1}
Conceptual subsequent cogniser {3.1.2}
Conceptual subsequent cogniser induced by direct perception {}
Conceptual subsequent cogniser induced by an inferential valid cogniser {}
Correct assumption {3.2}
Correct assumption without reason {3.2.1}
Correct assumption contrary to reason {3.2.2}
Correct assumption with inconclusive reason {3.2.3}
Correct assumption with non-established reason {3.2.4}
Correct assumption with reason which is not understood {3.2.5}
Awarenesses to which the object appears but isn’t {3.3}
Doubt {3.4}
Wrong awareness {3.5}
Conceptual wrong awareness {3.5.1}
Non-conceptual wrong awareness {3.5.1}
Other divisions of awarenessError! Reference source not found. {4}
Conceptual awareness that has a meaning generality as its held object {4.1}
Definition {4.1.1}
Based on sound generality {}
Based on meaning generality {}
Based on both sound and meaning generality {}
The held object {}
Applying name and meaning {4.1.2}
The concordance of conceptual thoughts with reality {4.1.3}
Non-conceptual, non-mistaken knower which holds a self-characterised appearing object {4.2}
Non-conceptual wrong awareness {4.3}
Non-conceptual mistaken knowers {4.3.1}
Sense non-conceptual mistaken knower {}
Mental non-conceptual mistaken knower {}
Self-knowers and other knowers {4.3.2}
Mind and mental factors {4.4}